2022-08-24 Finite Differences
2022-08-24 Finite Differences#
Last time#
General shape of PDE solvers and stakeholders
Comparing/plotting cost and accuracy
Learning strategy
Discussion and scoping
Evaluating derivatives
Taylor series and truncation error
Examples of PDE#
Navier-Stokes (viscous fluids)
incompressible or compressible
linear elasticity
hyperelasticity (geometric nonlinear + material nonlinearity)
time dependent (dynamics) or steady state
optimal control
Wave equations
frequency domain
Choices in scoping the class#
Analysis first, confirm using numerics. Limited to simpler models.
Numerics first, pointers to useful theory.
Build from scratch#
Limited to simpler models, but you’ll understand everything under the hood.
Build using libraries#
More installation and software layers, but can solve more interesting problems.
Consider the boundary value problem: find \(u\):#
We say
\(f(x)\) is the “forcing”
the left boundary condition is Dirichlet
the right boundary condition is Neumann
We need to choose
how to represent \(u(x)\), including evaluating it on the boundary,
how to compute derivatives of \(u\),
in what sense to ask for the differential equation to be satisfied,
where to evaluate \(f(x)\) or integrals thereof,
how to enforce boundary conditions.
Finite Difference/collocation approach to solve \(u\):#
Represent the function \(u(x)\) by its values \(u_i = u(x_i)\) at a discrete set of points
\[ -1 = x_1 < x_2 < \dotsb < x_n = 1 . \]The FD framework does not uniquely specify the solution values at other points
Compute derivatives at \(x_i\) via differencing formulas involving a finite number of neighbor points (independent of the total number of points \(n\)).
FD methods ask for the differential equation to be satisfied pointwise at each \(x_i\) in the interior of the domain.
Evaluate the forcing term \(f\) pointwise at \(x_i\).
Approximate derivatives at discrete boundary points (\(x_n = 1\) above), typically using one-sided differencing formulas.
Computing a derivative#
using Plots
n = 41
h = 6 / (n - 1)
x = LinRange(-3, 3, n)
u = sin.(x)
plot(x, u, marker=:circle)
u_x = cos.(x)
fd_u_x = (u[2:end] - u[1:end-1]) / h
plot(x, u_x)
plot!(x[1:end-1], fd_u_x, marker=:circle)
How accurate is it?#
Without loss of generality, we’ll approximate \(u'(x_i = 0)\), taking \(h = x_{i+1} - x_i\).
and substitute into the differencing formula