2021-10-27 Multigrid¶
Last time¶
Domain decomposition as a framework
Asymptotics for one-level methods
constants, exact and inexact subdomain solves
Multigrid as a domain decomposition method
Smoothers and coarse correction as complementary
Local Fourier Analysis
Principles of smoothed aggregation
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
function advdiff_matrix(n; kappa=1, wind=[0, 0])
"Advection-diffusion with Dirichlet boundary conditions eliminated"
h = 2 / (n + 1)
rows = Vector{Int64}()
cols = Vector{Int64}()
vals = Vector{Float64}()
idx((i, j),) = (i-1)*n + j
in_domain((i, j),) = 1 <= i <= n && 1 <= j <= n
stencil_advect = [-wind[1], -wind[2], 0, wind[1], wind[2]] / h
stencil_diffuse = [-1, -1, 4, -1, -1] * kappa / h^2
stencil = stencil_advect + stencil_diffuse
for i in 1:n
for j in 1:n
neighbors = [(i-1, j), (i, j-1), (i, j), (i+1, j), (i, j+1)]
mask = in_domain.(neighbors)
append!(rows, idx.(repeat([(i,j)], 5))[mask])
append!(cols, idx.(neighbors)[mask])
append!(vals, stencil[mask])
sparse(rows, cols, vals)
function my_spy(A)
cmax = norm(vec(A), Inf)
s = max(1, ceil(120 / size(A, 1)))
spy(A, marker=(:square, s), c=:diverging_rainbow_bgymr_45_85_c67_n256, clims=(-cmax, cmax))
my_spy (generic function with 1 method)
Geometric multigrid and the spectrum¶
Multigrid uses a hierarchy of scales to produce an operation “\(M^{-1}\)” that can be applied in \(O(n)\) (“linear”) time and such that \(\lVert I - M^{-1} A \rVert \le \rho < 1\) independent of the problem size. We’ll consider the one dimensional Laplacian using the stencil
function laplace1d(n)
"1D Laplacion with Dirichlet boundary conditions eliminated"
h = 2 / (n + 1)
x = LinRange(-1, 1, n+2)[2:end-1]
A = diagm(0 => ones(n),
-1 => -.5*ones(n-1),
+1 => -.5*ones(n-1))
x, Hermitian(A)
laplace1d (generic function with 1 method)
x, A = laplace1d(100)
L, X = eigen(A)
#@show L[1:2]
#@show L[end-2:end]
plot(L, title="cond = $(L[end]/L[1])")
What do the eigenvectors look like?¶
x, A = laplace1d(100)
L, X = eigen(A)
plot(x, X[:,1:3], label=L[1:3]', legend=:bottomleft)
plot(x, X[:, end-2:end], label=L[end-2:end]', legend=:bottomleft)
Condition number grows with grid refinement¶
ns = 2 .^ (2:8)
eigs = vcat([eigvals(laplace1d(n)[2])[[1, end]] for n in ns]'...)
scatter(ns, eigs, label=["min eig(A)" "max eig(A)"])
plot!(n -> 1/n^2, label="\$1/n^2\$", xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10)
Fourier analysis perspective¶
Consider the basis \(\phi(x, \theta) = e^{i \theta x}\). If we choose the grid \(x \in h \mathbb Z\) with grid size \(h\) then we can resolve frequencies \(\lvert \theta \rvert \le \pi/h\).
function symbol(S, theta)
if length(S) % 2 != 1
error("Length of stencil must be odd")
w = length(S) ÷ 2
phi = exp.(1im * (-w:w) * theta')
vec(S * phi) # not! (S * phi)'
function plot_symbol(S, deriv=2; plot_ref=true, n_theta=30)
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, n_theta)
sym = symbol(S, theta)
rsym = real.((-1im)^deriv * sym)
fig = plot(theta, rsym, marker=:circle, label="stencil")
if plot_ref
plot!(fig, th -> th^deriv, label="exact")
plot_symbol (generic function with 4 methods)
plot_symbol([1 -2 1])
#plot!(xlims=(-1, 1))
Analytically computing smallest eigenvalue¶
The longest wavelength for a domain size of 2 with Dirichlet boundary conditions is 4. The frequency is \(\theta = 2\pi/\lambda = \pi/2\). The symbol
function works on an integer grid. We can transform via \(\theta \mapsto \theta h\).
scatter(ns, eigs, label=["min eig(A)" "max eig(A)"])
plot!(n -> 1/n^2, label="\$1/n^2\$", xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10)
theta_min = pi ./ (ns .+ 1)
symbol_min = -real(symbol([1 -2 1], theta_min))
scatter!(ns, symbol_min / 2, shape=:utriangle)
Damping properties of Richardson/Jacobi relaxation¶
Recall that we would like for \(I - w A\) to have a small norm, such that powers (repeat iterations) will cause the error to decay rapidly.
x, A = laplace1d(40)
ws = LinRange(.3, 1.001, 50)
radius = [opnorm(I - w*A) for w in ws]
plot(ws, radius, xlabel="w")
The spectrum of \(A\) runs from \(\theta_{\min}^2\) up to 2. If \(w > 1\), then \(\lVert I - w A \rVert > 1\) because the operation amplifies the high frequencies (associated with the eigenvalue of 2).
The value of \(w\) that minimizes the norm is slightly less than 1, but the convergence rate is very slow (only barely less than 1).
Symbol of damping¶
w = .7
plot_symbol([0 1 0] - w * [-.5 1 -.5], 0; plot_ref=false)
Evidently it is very difficult to damp low frequencies.
This makes sense because \(A\) and \(I - wA\) move information only one grid point per iteration.
It also makes sense because the polynomial needs to be 1 at the origin, and the low frequencies have eigenvalues very close to zero.
Coarse grids: Make low frequencies high (again)¶
As in domain decomposition, we will express our “coarse” subspace, consisting of a grid \(x \in 2h\mathbb Z\), in terms of its interpolation to the fine space. Here, we’ll use linear interpolation.
function interpolate(m, stride=2)
s1 = (stride - 1) / stride
s2 = (stride - 2) / stride
P = diagm(0 => ones(m),
-1 => s1*ones(m-1), +1 => s1*ones(m-1),
-2 => s2*ones(m-2), +2 => s2*ones(m-2))
P[:, 1:stride:end]
n = 50; x, A = laplace1d(n)
P = interpolate(n, 2)
plot(x, P[:, 4:6], marker=:auto, xlims=(-1, 0))
L, X = eigen(A)
u_h = X[:, 48]
u_2h = .5 * P' * u_h
plot(x, [u_h, P * u_2h])
Galerkin approximation of \(A\) in coarse space¶
x, A = laplace1d(n)
P = interpolate(n)
@show size(A)
A_2h = P' * A * P
@show size(A_2h)
L_2h = eigvals(A_2h)
plot(L_2h, title="cond $(L_2h[end]/L_2h[1])")
size(A) = (50, 50)
size(A_2h) = (25, 25)
Coarse grid correction¶
Consider the \(A\)-orthogonal projection onto the range of \(P\),
Sc = P * (A_2h \ P' * A)
Ls, Xs = eigen(I - Sc)
This spectrum is typical for a projector. If \(u\) is in the range of \(P\), then \(S_c u = u\). Why?
For all vectors \(v\) that are \(A\)-orthogonal to the range of \(P\), we know that \(S_c v = 0\). Why?
A two-grid method¶
w = .67
T = (I - w*A) * (I - Sc) * (I - w*A)
Lt = eigvals(T)
┌ Warning: No strict ticks found
└ @ PlotUtils /home/jed/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/VgXdq/src/ticks.jl:294
┌ Warning: No strict ticks found
└ @ PlotUtils /home/jed/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/VgXdq/src/ticks.jl:294
Can analyze these methods in terms of frequency.
Multigrid as factorization¶
We can interpret factorization as a particular multigrid or domain decomposition method.
We can partition an SPD matrix as
Define the interpolation
Permute into C-F split¶
m = 100
x, A = laplace1d(m)
idx = vcat(1:2:m, 2:2:m)
J = A[idx, idx]
Coarse basis functions¶
F = J[1:end÷2, 1:end÷2]
B = J[end÷2+1:end,1:end÷2]
P = [-F\B'; I]
idxinv = zeros(Int64, m)
idxinv[idx] = 1:m
Pp = P[idxinv, :]
plot(x, Pp[:, 5:7], marker=:auto, xlims=(-1, -.5))
From factorization to algebraic multigrid¶
Factorization as a multigrid (or domain decomposition) method incurs significant cost in multiple dimensions due to lack of sparsity.
We can’t choose enough coarse basis functions so that \(F\) is diagonal, thereby making the minimal energy extension \(-F^{-1} B^T\) sparse.
Algebraic multigrid
Use matrix structure to aggregate or define C-points
Create an interpolation rule that balances sparsity with minimal energy
Form aggregates from “strongly connected” dofs.
agg = 1 .+ (0:m-1) .÷ 3
mc = maximum(agg)
T = zeros(m, mc)
for (i, j) in enumerate(agg)
T[i,j] = 1
plot(x, T[:, 3:5], marker=:auto, xlims=(-1, -.5))
Sc = T * ((T' * A * T) \ T') * A
w = .67; k = 1
E = (I - w*A)^k * (I - Sc) * (I - w*A)^k
scatter(eigvals(E), ylims=(-1, 1))
simple and cheap method
stronger smoothing (bigger
) doesn’t help much; need more accurate coarse grid
Smoothed aggregation¶
P = (I - w * A) * T
plot(x, P[:, 3:5], marker=:auto, xlims=(-1,-.5))
Sc = P * ((P' * A * P) \ P') * A
w = .67; k = 1
E = (I - w*A)^k * (I - Sc) * (I - w*A)^k
scatter(eigvals(E), ylims=(-1, 1))
Eigenvalues are closer to zero; stronger smoothing (larger
) helps.Smoother can be made stronger using Chebyshev (like varying the damping between iterations in Jacobi)