2021-11-05 Galerkin methods¶
Last time¶
Project discussion
Weak forms
Variational forms
Finite element definition
From prime to nodal bases
Galerkin method
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
Integration by parts¶
One dimension¶
it’s the product rule backwards
you can move the derivative to the other term; it’ll cost you a minus sign and a boundary term
Multiple dimensions¶
Strong form¶
Weak form¶
multiply by a test function and integrate by parts
Variational: from minimization to weak forms¶
Find \(u\in \mathcal V\) such that
If \(f(x)\) is a minimum, then \(df = f'(x) dx = 0\) for all \(dx\).
So if \(u \in \mathcal V\) is a minimizer, then
for all \(du \in \mathcal V\).
It’s common to use \(v\) in place of \(du\).
Our discretization will reflect this structure
Finite elements¶
Problem statement¶
Find \(u \in \mathcal V\) such that
What do we need?¶
A way to integrate
A space \(\mathcal V\)
Boundary conditions
Ciarlet (1978) definition¶
A finite element is a triple \((K, P, N)\) where
\(K\) is a bounded domain with piecewise smooth boundary
\(P = \{p_j\}_1^k\) is a finite-dimensional function space over \(K\) (“prime basis”)
\(N = \{n_i\}_1^k\) is a basis for the dual space (“nodes”)
It is common for nodes to be pointwise evaluation
First: choose a single element \(K = \Omega\)¶
Our elements will be a line segment and we’ll define quadrature on the standard line segment, \(\hat K = (-1, 1)\). A quadrature is a set of points \(q_i\) and weights \(w_i\) such that
function quad_trapezoid(n)
q = LinRange(-1, 1, n)
w = 2 * ones(n) / (n - 1)
w[[1,end]] ./= 2
q, w
function plot_quad_accuracy(f, F, quad)
ns = 2 .^ (2:7)
exact = F(1) - F(-1)
function err(n)
q, w = quad(n)
w' * f.(q) - exact
errors = [abs.(err(n)) for n in ns]
plot(ns, errors, marker=:auto, label=quad)
plot!(ns, ns.^(-2), xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10)
plot_quad_accuracy (generic function with 1 method)
plot_quad_accuracy(exp, exp, quad_trapezoid)
plot_quad_accuracy(x -> 3*x^2, x -> x^3, quad_trapezoid)
Integration via polynomial interpolation¶
Pick some points \(x_i\)
Evaluate the function there \(f_i = f(x_i)\)
Find the polynomial that interpolates the data
Integrate the polynomial
What order of accuracy can we expect?¶
What degree polynomials can be integrate exactly?
Doing better: Gauss quadrature¶
Suppose a polynomial on the interval \([-1,1]\) can be written as
where \(P_n(x)\) is the \(n\)th Legendre polnomials and both \(q(x)\) and \(r(x)\) are polynomials of maximum degree \(n-1\).
Why is \(\int_{-1}^1 P_n(x) q(x) = 0\)?
Can every polynomials of degree \(2n-1\) be written in the above form?
How many roots does \(P_n(x)\) have on the interval?
Can we choose points \(\{x_i\}\) such that the first term is 0?
If \(P_n(x_i) = 0\) for each \(x_i\), then we need only integrate \(r(x)\), which is done exactly by integrating its interpolating polynomial. How do we find these roots \(x_i\)?
Gauss-Legendre in code¶
Solve for the points, compute the weights
Use a Newton solver to find the roots. You can use the recurrence to write a recurrence for the derivatives.
Create a Vandermonde matrix and extract the first row of the inverse or (using more structure) the derivatives at the quadrature points.
Use duality of polynomial roots and matrix eigenvalues.
A fascinating mathematical voyage (topic of graduate linear algebra class).
function gauss_legendre(n)
"""Gauss-Legendre integration using Golub-Welsch algorithm"""
beta = @. .5 / sqrt(1 - (2 * (1:n-1))^(-2))
T = diagm(-1 => beta, 1 => beta)
D, V = eigen(T)
w = V[1,:].^2 * 2
q = D
q, w
gauss_legendre (generic function with 1 method)
plot_quad_accuracy(exp, exp, gauss_legendre)
plot_quad_accuracy(x -> 11*x^10, x -> x^11, gauss_legendre)
Legendre polynomials¶
function vander_legendre(x, k=nothing)
if isnothing(k)
k = length(x) # Square by default
m = length(x)
Q = ones(m, k)
Q[:, 2] = x
for n in 1:k-2
Q[:, n+2] = ((2*n + 1) * x .* Q[:, n+1] - n * Q[:, n]) / (n + 1)
vander_legendre (generic function with 2 methods)
x = LinRange(-1, 1, 50)
P = vander_legendre(x, 6)
plot(x, P)
Prime to nodal basis¶
A nodal basis \(\{ \phi_j(x) \}\) is one that satisfies \( n_i(\phi_j) = \delta_{ij} . \)
We write \(\phi_j\) in the prime basis by solving with the generalized Vandermonde matrix \(V_{ij} = \langle n_i, p_j \rangle\),
k = 10
xn = LinRange(-1, 1, k)
V = vander_legendre(xn)
xx = LinRange(-1, 1, 50)
Pxx = vander_legendre(xx, k)
Pn = Pxx / V
plot(xx, Pn)
scatter!(xn, one.(xn))
using FastGaussQuadrature
xn, _ = gausslobatto(k)
V = vander_legendre(xn)
Pn = Pxx / V
plot(xx, Pn)
scatter!(xn, one.(xn))
Galerkin method: \(L^2\) projection¶
A nice test problem that doesn’t require derivatives or boundary conditions: Find \(u \in \mathcal V_h\) such that
function febasis(P, Q)
x, _ = gausslobatto(P)
q, w = gausslegendre(Q)
Pk = vander_legendre(x)
Pq = vander_legendre(q, P)
B = Pq / Pk
x, q, w, B
function L2_galerkin(P, Q, f)
x, q, w, B = febasis(P, Q)
A = B' * diagm(w) * B
rhs = B' * diagm(w) * f.(q)
u = A \ rhs
x, u
L2_galerkin (generic function with 1 method)
f(x) = tanh(5*x)
x, u = L2_galerkin(20, 20, f)
error = u - f.(x)
plot(x, u, marker=:auto, legend=:bottomright)
plot!(f, title="Galerkin error: $(norm(error))")
Convergence of the Galerkin method¶
ns = 2 .^ (2:8)
function L2_error(n)
x, u = L2_galerkin(n, n, f)
norm(u - f.(x))
plot(ns, L2_error.(ns), marker=:auto, yscale=:log10)