2022-11-14 Ratel Hands-on
2022-11-14 Ratel Hands-on#
Last time#
Intro to solid mechanics, Ratel
Singularities and \(hp\) adaptivity
Cost of sparse matrices
GPU performance with Ratel and context
Solver diagnostics
Reading profiles
Amortizing costs
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
Running on Alpine#
$ ssh login.rc.colorado.edu
rc$ module load slurm/alpine
rc$ acompile
acompile$ . /projects/jeka2967/activate.bash
$ git clone \
$ cd ratel/examples
$ mpiexec -n 1 ratel-quasistatic \
-options_file FILE.yml
Running in Docker#
Clone the Ratel repository and cd into it
host$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/work registry.gitlab.com/micromorph/ratel
$ mpiexec -n 2 ratel-quasistatic -options_file ex02-quasistatic-elasticity-multi-material.yml
Suggested test problem#
$ mpiexec -n 6 ratel-quasistatic -options_file ex02-quasistatic-elasticity-schwarz-pendulum.yml
Quasi-Newton methods (BFGS)#
BFGS is a method that does not require a linear solve.
It starts with an operation \(J_0^{-1}\), which is meant to be an approximation of the inverse Jacobian (like a preconditioner).
Each iteration creates a symmetric rank-2 update,
\[J_{k+1}^{-1} = \left(I - \frac{s_k z_k^T}{s_k^T z_k}\right) J_k^{-1} \left(I - \frac{s_k z_k^T}{s_k^T z_k}\right) + \frac{s_k s_k^T}{s_k^T z_k}\]BFGS is equivalent to conjugate gradients for a linear problem.
-snes_type qn -snes_qn_scale_type jacobian
This uses an iterative solve for \(J_0\)
-ksp_type preonly
(skip the iterative solve)
Good diagnostics because we can tighten linear solve independent from nonlinear.
-ksp_converged_reason -ksp_view_singularvalues
Are we “over-solving”; see
to automatically adjust during convergence
Fewer Jacobian assemblies and preconditioner setups
Maybe fewer linear solve iterations (automatically avoids over-solving)
Solids: efficient matrix-free Jacobians#
cf. Davydov et al. (2020)#

Suggestions (use -ts_view
and -log_view
Change from
$ git grep model: examples/*.yml
Try assembling and using AMG directly (instead of p-MG first):
-multigrid amg_only
And try a direct solve:
-pc_type cholesky
Try using one-level domain decomposition
-pc_type bjacobi
What is the marginal cost of p-refinement (
) versus h-refinement (seetps
)?Relative benefit of quasi-Newton?
How does thickness affect solve cost? What about Poisson ratio
? (Edit the input file or override from command line.)
Visualization (if you have Paraview)
-ts_monitor_solution cgns:sol.cgns
(just stores displacement at each time step)-ts_monitor_diagnostic_quantities cgns:diag.cgns
(lots of diagnostic fields)-view_diagnostic_quantities vtk:diagnostic.vtu
(only at the final time)For CGNS: load
Point Arrays
(lower left sidebar) andApply
after opening file.“Warp by Vector” (Control-Space to search by name, or use
menu)von Mises stress is an indicator for plastic yield (elasticity no longer valid)