2022-11-11 Ratel for Solid Mechanics
2022-11-11 Ratel for Solid Mechanics#
Last time#
Stabilized methods
Dispersion diagrams
Mixed finite elements
Intro to solid mechanics, Ratel
Singularities and \(hp\) adaptivity
Cost of sparse matrices
GPU performance with Ratel and context
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
Solid mechanics: Ratel Theory Guide#
Material coordinates#
The current configuration \(x\) is a function of the initial configuration \(X\). We typically solve for displacement \(u = x - X\), and define the deformation gradient
Mass by definition of density#
Momentum by equations we solve#
Angular momentum by symmetry of stress and strain tensors#
Momentum balance in initial configuration#
where \(\mathbf F = I + H\) and \(\mathbf S\) is the symmetric stress tensor (Second Piola-Kirchhoff tensor).
Strain measures#
Stress \(\mathbf S\) must be defined as a function of displacement. A common choice is to define the right Cauchy-Green tensor
This has value \(I\) for zero strain. A better formulation uses
Neo-Hookean model#
Strain energy density \begin{aligned} \psi \left(\mathbf{E} \right) &= \frac{\lambda}{2} \left( \log J \right)^2 - \mu \log J + \frac \mu 2 \left( \operatorname{trace} \mathbf{C} - 3 \right) \ &= \frac{\lambda}{2} \left( \log J \right)^2 - \mu \log J + \mu \operatorname{trace} \mathbf{E}, \end{aligned}
Nonlinear solid mechanics#
Industrial state of practice#
Low order finite elements: \(Q_1\) (trilinear) hexahedra, \(P_2\) (quadratic) tetrahedra.
Assembled matrices, sparse direct and algebraic multigrid solvers
High order doesn’t help because real problems have singularities.
Matrix-free methods are just for high order problems
Industrial models are riddled with singularities#

Every reentrant corner
Every Dirichlet (fixed/clamped) to Neumann boundary transitien
(From Bhardwaj et al, 2002.)
The mathematician’s way: \(hp\) adaptive finite elements#
Elliptic PDE always have singularities at reentrant corners (and Dirichlet to Neumann boundary transitions).

How does it work?#
High order to resolve when solution is smooth, tiny low-order elements near singularities.
What meshes do engineers use?#
Approximation constants are good for high order#
Spurious stress singularities#

Geometric model has a round cylinder, no singularity
Linear meshes have weak reentrant corners
Moving to quadratic geometry elements is generally good enough
Gmsh supports arbitrary order
Why matrix-free?#
Assembled matrices need at least 4 bytes transferred per flop. Hardware does 10 flops per byte.
Matrix-free methods store and move less data, compute faster.
Matrix-free is faster for \(Q_1\) elements#
\(p\)-multigrid algorithm and cost breakdown#

Nonlinear solve efficiency#
\(Q_2\) elements#
\(Q_3\) elements#
Linear solve efficiency#
\(Q_2\) elements#
\(Q_3\) elements#
Coarse solver is hypre BoomerAMG tuned configured for elasticity; thanks Victor Paludetto Magri.
Preconditioner setup efficiency#
\(Q_2\) elements#
\(Q_3\) elements#
One node of Crusher vs historical Gordon Bell#
184 MDoF \(Q_2\) elements nonlinear analysis in seconds#
2002 Gordon Bell (Bhardwaj et al)#

2004 Gordon Bell (Adams et al)#

Old performance model#
Iterative solvers: Bandwidth#
SpMV arithmetic intensity of 1/6 flop/byte
Preconditioners also mostly bandwidth
Architectural latency a big problem on GPUs, especially for sparse triangular solves.
Sparse matrix-matrix products for AMG setup
Direct solvers: Bandwidth and Dense compute#
Leaf work in sparse direct solves
Dense factorization of supernodes
Fundamentally nonscalable, granularity on GPUs is already too big to apply on subdomains
Research on H-matrix approximations (e.g., in STRUMPACK)
New performance model#
Still mostly bandwidth#
Reduce storage needed at quadrature points
Half the cost of a sparse matrix already for linear elements
Big efficiency gains for high order
Assembled coarse levels are much smaller.
Kernel fusion is necessary
Balance vectorization with cache/occupancy
\(O(n)\), but benefits from BLIS-like abstractions | BLIS | libCEED | |——|———| | packing | batched element restriction | | microkernel | basis action | | ? | user-provided qfunctions |
Solids: efficient matrix-free Jacobians#
cf. Davydov et al. (2020)#

Stable formulations for large-deformation solid mechanics#
Solving for \(\mathbf u(\mathbf X)\). Let \(H = \frac{\partial \mathbf u}{\partial \mathbf X}\) (displacement gradient) and \(F = I + H\) (deformation gradient).
Textbook approach#
Stress as a function of \(F\): \(J = \operatorname{det} F\), \(C = F^T F\)
\[S = \lambda \log J\, C^{-1} + \mu (I - C^{-1})\]
Unstable for small strain, \(F \approx I\) and \(J \approx 1\).
Stable approach#
Stable strain calculation
\[E = \underbrace{(C - I)/2}_{\text{unstable}} = (H + H^T + H^T H)/2\]Compute \(J_{-1} = J - 1\) in a stable way
\[S = \lambda \operatorname{\tt log1p}J_{-1}\, C^{-1} + 2 \mu C^{-1} E\]
This opens the door to dynamic mixed precision algorithms, with computationally intensive physics evaluated using single precision.
Outlook: https://ratel.micromorph.org#
You can move from \(Q_1\) to \(Q_2\) elements for about 2x cost (despite 8x more DoFs)
Mesh to resolve geometry, \(p\)-refine to pragmatic accuracy
libCEED isn’t just for high order; already 2x operator apply benefit for \(Q_1\)
Gordon Bell scale from 20 years ago \(\mapsto\) interactive on a workstation (if you can buy MI250X 😊)
\(p\)-multigrid, low-memory representation of matrix-free Jacobian
Multi-node GPU on CUDA and ROCm
Also good for implicit dynamics