2023-10-16 Iterative Solvers#
Last time#
Request RC accounts
Sparse direct solvers
impact of ordering on formulation
cost scaling
Classical iterative methods
Concept of preconditioning
Krylov methods (focus on GMRES)
PETSc experiments
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
function my_spy(A)
cmax = norm(vec(A), Inf)
s = max(1, ceil(120 / size(A, 1)))
spy(A, marker=(:square, s), c=:diverging_rainbow_bgymr_45_85_c67_n256, clims=(-cmax, cmax))
function advdiff_matrix(n; kappa=1, wind=[0, 0])
h = 2 / (n + 1)
rows = Vector{Int64}()
cols = Vector{Int64}()
vals = Vector{Float64}()
idx((i, j),) = (i-1)*n + j
in_domain((i, j),) = 1 <= i <= n && 1 <= j <= n
stencil_advect = [-wind[1], -wind[2], 0, wind[1], wind[2]] / h
stencil_diffuse = [-1, -1, 4, -1, -1] * kappa / h^2
stencil = stencil_advect + stencil_diffuse
for i in 1:n
for j in 1:n
neighbors = [(i-1, j), (i, j-1), (i, j), (i+1, j), (i, j+1)]
mask = in_domain.(neighbors)
append!(rows, idx.(repeat([(i,j)], 5))[mask])
append!(cols, idx.(neighbors)[mask])
append!(vals, stencil[mask])
sparse(rows, cols, vals)
advdiff_matrix (generic function with 1 method)
Request an RC account#
This gives
login access. We’ll use Alpine, which is a modern CPU and GPU cluster.This will be good for benchmarking and larger runs. We’ll also use GPUs later in class.
We’ll start using PETSc this week.
You can build PETSc on your laptop. You’ll need C development tools.
Linux: use package manager (
apt install
,dnf install
, …)OSX: install xcode, many people like homebrew as a package manager
Windows: WSL then follow Linux instructions (or MSYS2 or Cygwin)
Any: install Docker, then use our image
How expensive how fast?#
Suppose we have a second order accurate method in 3D.
n = 2. .^ (2:13)
N = n.^3
error = (50 ./ n) .^ 2
seconds = 1e-10 * N.^2
hours = seconds / 3600
cloud_dollars = 3 * hours
kW_hours = 0.2 * hours
barrel_of_oil = kW_hours / 1700
kg_CO2 = kW_hours * 0.709
cost = barrel_of_oil
plot(cost, error, xlabel="cost", ylabel="error", xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10)
Outlook on sparse direct solvers#
Sparse direct works well for 2D and almost-2D problems to medium large sizes
High order FD methods make sparse direct cry
High order finite element are okay, but not high-continuity splines
Almost-2D includes a lot of industrial solid mechanics applications
The body of a car, the frame of an airplane
Sparse direct is rarely usable in “fully 3D” problems
“thick” structures
soil mechanics, hydrology, building foundations, bones, tires
fluid mechanics
aerodynamics, heating/cooling systems, atmosphere/ocean
Setup cost (factorization) is much more expensive than solve
Amortize cost in time-dependent problems
Rosenbrock-W methods: factorization reused across stages
“lag” Jacobian in Newton (results in “modified Newton”)
“lag” preconditioner with matrix-free iterative methods (Sundials, PETSc)
Factorization pays off if you have many right hand sides
Why iterative solvers over direct solvers?#
Less reliable, more leaky abstraction
More sensitive to problem formulation
Slower for small problems
Several different strategies, each with tuning knobs
Accuracy tolerances needed
\(O(N)\) solvers available for many important problems#
High-order discretization can be okay
Gradient descent#
Suppose \(A\) is a symmetric positive definite matrix and consider the scalar functional
Then the gradient is
x = LinRange(-4, 4, 40)
A = [2 -1; -1 8]
b = [1, 1]
f(u) = .5 * u' * A * u - b' * u
contour(x, x, (u1, u2) -> f([u1, u2]), aspect_ratio=:equal)
Aside: Derivative of a dot product#
Let \(f(\boldsymbol x) = \boldsymbol y^T \boldsymbol x = \sum_i y_i x_i\) and compute the derivative
Note that \(\boldsymbol y^T \boldsymbol x = \boldsymbol x^T \boldsymbol y\) and we have the product rule,
Aside: Variational notation#
It’s convenient to express derivatives in terms of how they act on an infinitessimal perturbation. So we might write
(It’s common to use \(\delta x\) or \(dx\) for these infinitesimals.) This makes inner products look like a normal product rule
A powerful example of variational notation is differentiating a matrix inverse
and thus
Try gradient descent#
function grad_descent(loss, grad, u0; omega=1e-3, tol=1e-5)
"""Minimize loss(c) via gradient descent with initial guess u0
using learning rate gamma. Declares convergence when gradient
is less than tol or after 500 steps.
u = copy(u0)
uhist = [copy(u)]
lhist = [loss(u)]
for it in 1:500
g = grad(u)
u -= omega * g
push!(uhist, copy(u))
push!(lhist, loss(u))
if norm(g) < tol
(u, hcat(uhist...), lhist)
grad_descent (generic function with 1 method)
Visualize gradient descent#
A = [1 1; 1 30]
loss(u) = .5 * u' * A * u
grad(u) = A * u
u, uhist, lhist = grad_descent(loss, grad, [.9, .9],
plot(lhist, yscale=:log10)
plot(uhist[1, :], uhist[2, :], marker=:circle)
x = LinRange(-1, 1, 30)
contour!(x, x, (x,y) -> loss([x, y]))
Richardson iteration#
The simplest iterative method is Richardson’s method, which solves \(A u = b\) by the iteration
Algebraically equivalent to gradient descent when \(A\) is SPD
Non-symmetric matrices are harder to visualize
Richardson convergence#
If \(b = A u_*\), this iteration is equivalent to
It is convenient for convergence analysis to identify the “error” \(e_k = u_k - u_*\), in which this becomes
Suppose that the eigendecomposition
Not all matrices are diagonalizable.
The matrix \(X\) may be very ill-conditioned.
Aside: Schur decomposition#
We can repair these weaknesses by using the Schur decomposition
Where are the eigenvalues in \(R\)?
Evidently we must find \(\omega\) to minimize the maximum eigenvalue of \(I - \omega A\). We can do this if \(A\) is well conditioned, but not in general.
Question: What is the condition number of the Laplacian on 100 evenly spaced points?#
How does it scale under grid refinement?
A = advdiff_matrix(25)
omega = .001
ev = eigvals(Matrix(I - omega * A))
scatter(real.(ev), imag.(ev), xlim=(-2, 2), ylim=(-1, 1))
Monic polynomials small on the spectrum#
Equivalently to finding \(\omega\) such that \(\lVert I - \omega A \rVert\) is minimized, we may seek a monic polynomial \(p(z) = 1 - \omega z\) that minimizes
This concept can be extended to higher degree polynomials, which is essentially what Krylov methods do (discovering the polynomial adaptively, weighted by the right hand side).
omega = .007
A = advdiff_matrix(10)
@show cond(Matrix(A))
ev = eigvals(Matrix(A))
scatter(real.(ev), zero.(ev))
plot!(x -> (1 - omega * x)^1)
cond(Matrix(A)) = 48.37415007870825
Preconditioning is the act of creating an “affordable” operation “\(P^{-1}\)” such that \(P^{-1} A\) (or \(A P^{-1}\)) is is well-conditoned or otherwise has a “nice” spectrum. We then solve the system
in which case the convergence rate depends on the spectrum of the iteration matrix
The preconditioner must be applied on each iteration.
It is not merely about finding a good initial guess.
There are two complementary techniques necessary for efficient iterative methods:
“accelerators” or Krylov methods, which use orthogonality to adaptively converge faster than Richardson
preconditioners that improve the spectrum of the preconditioned operator
Although there is ongoing research in Krylov methods and they are immensely useful, I would say preconditioning is 90% of the game for practical applications, particularly as a research area.
Krylov subspaces#
All matrix iterations work with approximations in a Krylov subspace, which has the form
This matrix is horribly ill-conditioned and cannot stably be computed as written. Instead, we seek an orthogonal basis \(Q_n\) that spans the same space as \(K_n\). We could write this as a factorization
where the first column \(q_0 = b / \lVert b \rVert\). The \(R_n\) is unnecessary and hopelessly ill-conditioned, so a slightly different procedure is used.
Arnoldi iteration#
The Arnoldi iteration applies orthogonal similarity transformations to reduce \(A\) to Hessenberg form, starting from a vector \(q_0 = b\),
Let’s multiply on the right by \(Q\) and examine the first \(n\) columns,
where \(H_n\) is an \((n+1) \times n\) Hessenberg matrix.
Aside: Conditioning of Arnoldi process#
The Arnoldi process is well-conditioned because \(Q\) is orthogonal and
for all \(x\) of norm 1. It must also be true for any \(x = Q_n y\) where \(\lVert y\rVert = 1\), thus
GMRES (Generalized Minimum Residual) minimizes
The solution \(x_n\) constructed by GMRES at iteration \(n\) is not explicitly available. If a solution is needed, it must be constructed by solving the \((n+1)\times n\) least squares problem and forming the solution as a linear combination of the \(n\) vectors \(Q_n\). The leading cost is \(2mn\) where \(m \gg n\).
The residual vector \(r_n = A x_n - b\) is not explicitly available in GMRES. To compute it, first build the solution \(x_n\) as above.
GMRES minimizes the 2-norm of the residual \(\lVert r_n \rVert\) which is equivalent to the \(A^* A\) norm of the error \(\lVert x_n - x_* \rVert_{A^* A}\).
More notes on GMRES#
GMRES needs to store the full \(Q_n\), which is unaffordable for large \(n\) (many iterations). The standard solution is to choose a “restart” \(k\) and to discard \(Q_n\) and start over with an initial guess \(x_k\) after each \(k\) iterations. This algorithm is called GMRES(k). PETSc’s default solver is GMRES(30) and the restart can be controlled using the run-time option
.Most implementations of GMRES use classical Gram-Schmidt because it is much faster in parallel (one reduction per iteration instead of \(n\) reductions per iteration). The PETSc option
can be used when you suspect that classical Gram-Schmidt may be causing instability.There is a very similar (and older) algorithm called GCR that maintains \(x_n\) and \(r_n\). This is useful, for example, if a convergence tolerance needs to inspect individual entries. GCR requires \(2n\) vectors instead of \(n\) vectors, and can tolerate a nonlinear preconditioner. FGMRES is a newer algorithm with similar properties to GCR.
Experiments in PETSc#
PETSc = Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computing
Depends on BLAS and LAPACK (default system or package manager)
./configure --download-f2cblaslapack --download-blis
Depends on MPI for parallelism (package manager)
./configure --download-mpich
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/work registry.gitlab.com/micromorph/ratel
From recent clinic: jedbrown/csdms23
Lots of examples (mostly C and Fortran, some Python)
Experimental bindings in Rust, Julia
We’ll use
“p-Bratu”: combines p-Laplacian with Bratu nonlinearity
\[ -\nabla\cdot\big(\kappa(\nabla u) \nabla u\big) - \lambda e^u = f \]Newton solver with Krylov on each iteration
Simple preconditioners#
Jacobi -pc_type jacobi
where \(D\) is the diagonal of \(A\).
Gauss-Seidel -pc_type sor
where \(L\) is the (strictly) lower triangular part of \(A\). The upper triangular part may be used instead, or a symmetric form
-pc_sor_omega 1.
is default (Gauss-Seidel)
Run p-Laplacian example#
$ cd src/snes/tutorials
$ make ex15
$ ./ex15 -da_refine 2 -dm_view
$ ./ex15 -ksp_monitor -pc_type jacobi
$ ./ex15 -snes_view
How does iteration count vary under grid refinement?
How sensitive is it to parameters
\(> 1\) and-epsilon
\(> 0\)Bratu
\(< 6.8\)
How sensitive to
Symmetric problems#
Lanczos iteration: like GMRES for symmetric problems#
If \(A\) is symmetric, then \(H = Q^T A Q\) is also symmetric. Since \(H\) is Hessenberg, this means \(H\) is tridiagonal. Instead of storing \(Q_n\), it is sufficient to store only the last two columns since the iteration satisfies a 3-term recurrence. The analog of GMRES for the symmetric case is called MINRES and is also useful for solving symmetric indefinite problems.
Conjugate Gradients: changing the norm#
Instead of minimizing the \(A^T A\) norm of the error, the Conjugate Gradient method minimizes the \(A\) norm of the error. For \(A\) to induce a norm, it must be symmetric positive definite. Jeremy Shewchuck’s guide to CG is an excellent resource.