2023-12-06 Systems#
Last time#
Godunov’s Theorem
Slope reconstruction and limiting
Hyperbolic systems
Rankine-Hugoniot and Riemann Invariants
Exact Riemann solvers
Approximate Riemann solvers
Multi-dimensional generalizations
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
struct RKTable
function RKTable(A, b)
s = length(b)
A = reshape(A, s, s)
c = vec(sum(A, dims=2))
new(A, b, c)
rk4 = RKTable([0 0 0 0; .5 0 0 0; 0 .5 0 0; 0 0 1 0], [1, 2, 2, 1] / 6)
function ode_rk_explicit(f, u0; tfinal=1., h=0.1, table=rk4)
u = copy(u0)
t = 0.
n, s = length(u), length(table.c)
fY = zeros(n, s)
thist = [t]
uhist = [u0]
while t < tfinal
tnext = min(t+h, tfinal)
h = tnext - t
for i in 1:s
ti = t + h * table.c[i]
Yi = u + h * sum(fY[:,1:i-1] * table.A[i,1:i-1], dims=2)
fY[:,i] = f(ti, Yi)
u += h * fY * table.b
t = tnext
push!(thist, t)
push!(uhist, u)
thist, hcat(uhist...)
function testfunc(x)
max(1 - 4*abs.(x+2/3),
abs.(x) .< .2,
(2*abs.(x-2/3) .< .5) * cospi(2*(x-2/3)).^2
flux_advection(u) = u
flux_burgers(u) = u^2/2
flux_traffic(u) = u * (1 - u)
riemann_advection(uL, uR) = 1*uL # velocity is +1
function fv_solve1(riemann, u_init, n, tfinal=1)
h = 2 / n
x = LinRange(-1+h/2, 1-h/2, n) # cell midpoints (centroids)
idxL = 1 .+ (n-1:2*n-2) .% n
idxR = 1 .+ (n+1:2*n) .% n
function rhs(t, u)
fluxL = riemann(u[idxL], u)
fluxR = riemann(u, u[idxR])
(fluxL - fluxR) / h
thist, uhist = ode_rk_explicit(rhs, u_init.(x), h=h, tfinal=tfinal)
x, thist, uhist
function riemann_burgers(uL, uR)
flux = zero(uL)
for i in 1:length(flux)
fL = flux_burgers(uL[i])
fR = flux_burgers(uR[i])
flux[i] = if uL[i] > uR[i] # shock
max(fL, fR)
elseif uL[i] > 0 # rarefaction all to the right
elseif uR[i] < 0 # rarefaction all to the left
function riemann_traffic(uL, uR)
flux = zero(uL)
for i in 1:length(flux)
fL = flux_traffic(uL[i])
fR = flux_traffic(uR[i])
flux[i] = if uL[i] < uR[i] # shock
min(fL, fR)
elseif uL[i] < .5 # rarefaction all to the right
elseif uR[i] > .5 # rarefaction all to the left
limit_zero(r) = 0
limit_none(r) = 1
limit_minmod(r) = max(min(2*r, 2*(1-r)), 0)
limit_sin(r) = (0 < r && r < 1) * sinpi(r)
limit_vl(r) = max(4*r*(1-r), 0)
limit_bj(r) = max(0, min(1, 4*r, 4*(1-r)))
limiters = [limit_zero limit_none limit_minmod limit_sin limit_vl limit_bj];
Hyperbolic systems#
Isentropic gas dynamics#
Variable |
meaning |
\(\rho\) |
density |
\(u\) |
velocity |
\(\rho u\) |
momentum |
\(p\) |
pressure |
Equation of state \(p(\rho) = C \rho^\gamma\) with \(\gamma = 1.4\) (typical air).
“isothermal” gas dynamics: \(p(\rho) = c^2 \rho\), wave speed \(c\).
Compute as \( \rho u^2 = \frac{(\rho u)^2}{\rho} .\)
Smooth wave structure#
For perturbations of a constant state, systems of equations produce multiple waves with speeds equal to the eigenvalues of the flux Jacobian,
Riemann problem for systems: shocks#
Given states \(U_L\) and \(U_R\), we will see two waves with some state \(U^*\) in between. There could be two shocks, two rarefactions, or one of each. The type of wave will determine the condition that must be satisfied to connect \(U_L\) to \(U_*\) and \(U_*\) to \(U_R\).
Left-moving wave#
If there is a shock between \(U_L\) and \(U_*\), the Rankine-Hugoniot condition
Solving the first equation for \(s\) and substituting into the second, we compute \begin{split} \frac{(\rho_* u_* - \rho_L u_L)^2}{\rho_* - \rho_L} &= \rho_* u_^2 - \rho_L u_L^2 + c^2 (\rho_ - \rho_L) \ \rho_^2 u_^2 - 2 \rho_* \rho_L u_* u_L + \rho_L^2 u_L^2 &= \rho_* (\rho_* - \rho_L) u_^2 - \rho_L (\rho_ - \rho_L) u_L^2 + c^2 (\rho_* - \rho_L)^2 \ \rho_* \rho_L \Big( u_^2 - 2 u_ u_L + u_L^2 \Big) &= c^2 (\rho_* - \rho_L)^2 \ (u_* - u_L)^2 &= c^2 \frac{(\rho_* - \rho_L)^2}{\rho_* \rho_L} \ u_* - u_L &= \pm c \frac{\rho_* - \rho_L}{\sqrt{\rho_* \rho_L}} \end{split} and will need to use the entropy condition to learn which sign to take.
Admissible shocks#
We need to choose the sign
The entropy condition requires that
Right-moving wave#
The same process for the right wave \(\lambda(U) = u + c\) yields a shock when \(\rho_* \ge \rho_R\), in which case the velocity jump is
A rarefaction occurs when
Generalized Riemann invariants#
(Derivation of this condition is beyond the scope of this class.)
Isothermal gas dynamics#
across the wave \(\lambda = u-c\). We can rearrange to
Integration yields
Basic algorithm#
Find \(\rho_*\)
Use entropy condition (for shock speeds)
If it’s a shock: find \(u_*\) using Rankine-Hugoniot
If it’s a rarefaction: use generalized Riemann invariant
First a miracle happens#
In general we will need to use a Newton method to solve for the state in the star region.
Exact Riemann solver for isothermal gas dynamics#
function flux_isogas(U, c=1)
rho = U[1]
u = U[2] / rho
[U[2], U[2]*u + c^2*rho]
function ujump_isogas(rho_L, rho_R, cw)
if sign(rho_L - rho_R) == sign(cw) # shock
sign(cw) * (rho_R - rho_L) / sqrt(rho_L*rho_R)
else # rarefaction
cw * (log(rho_R) - log(rho_L))
function dujump_isogas(rho_L, drho_L, rho_R, drho_R, cw)
if sign(rho_L - rho_R) == sign(cw) # shock
sign(cw) * ((drho_R - drho_L) / sqrt(rho_L*rho_R)
- .5*(rho_R - rho_L) * (rho_L*rho_R)^(-3/2)
* (drho_L * rho_R + rho_L * drho_R))
cw * (drho_R / rho_R - drho_L / rho_L)
dujump_isogas (generic function with 1 method)
function riemann_isogas(UL, UR, maxit=20; show=false)
rho_L, u_L = UL[1], UL[2]/UL[1]
rho_R, u_R = UR[1], UR[2]/UR[1]
rho = .5 * (rho_L + rho_R) # initial guess
U_star = zero.(UL)
for i in 1:maxit
f = (ujump_isogas(UL[1], rho, -1)
+ ujump_isogas(rho, UR[1], 1)
- (UR[2]/UR[1] - UL[2]/UL[1]))
if norm(f) < 1e-10
u = u_L + ujump_isogas(UL[1], rho, -1)
U_star[:] = [rho, rho*u]
J = (dujump_isogas(rho_L, 0, rho, 1, -1)
+ dujump_isogas(rho, 1, rho_R, 0, 1))
delta_rho = -f / J
rho += delta_rho
## Line search not needed in practice
#while rho + delta_rho <= 0
# delta_rho /= 2 # line search to prevent negative rho
U0 = resolve_isogas(UL, UR, U_star)
if show; @show U0, U0[2]/U0[1]; end
riemann_isogas (generic function with 2 methods)
Resolving waves for isothermal gas dynamics#
function resolve_isogas(UL, UR, U_star; c=1)
rho_L, u_L = UL[1], UL[2]/UL[1]
rho_R, u_R = UR[1], UR[2]/UR[1]
rho, u = U_star[1], U_star[2] / U_star[1]
if ((u_L - c < 0 < u - c) ||
(u + c < 0 < u_R + c))
# inside left (right) sonic rarefaction
u0 = sign(u) * c
rho0 = exp((u0-u)/c + log(rho))
@show "sonic"
[rho0, rho0 * u0]
elseif ((rho_L >= rho && 0 <= u_L - c) ||
(rho_L < rho && 0 < rho*u - UL[2]))
# left rarefaction or shock is supersonic
elseif ((rho_R >= rho && u_R + c <= 0) ||
(rho_R < rho && rho*u - UR[2] < 0))
# right rarefaction or shock is supersonic
else # sample star region
resolve_isogas (generic function with 1 method)
Test the Riemann solver#
isogas(rho, u) = [rho, rho*u]
riemann_isogas(isogas(1, .1), isogas(.9, .1), show=true)
(U0, U0[2] / U0[1]) = ([0.9486804089487428, 0.14484765853290457], 0.15268330321421308)
2-element Vector{Float64}:
function initial_isogas(x)
f(s) = isogas(1 + 2 * exp(-4s ^ 2), 0.1)
x = LinRange(-1, 1, 100)
U = initial_isogas(x)
plot(x, [U (U[:, 2] ./ U[:, 1])],
label=["density" "momentum" "velocity"])
function fv_solve2system(riemann, initfunc, n, tfinal=1; dt_scale=1, limit=limit_sin)
h = 2 / n
x = LinRange(-1+h/2, 1-h/2, n) # cell midpoints (centroids)
idxL = 1 .+ (n-1:2*n-2) .% n
idxR = 1 .+ (n+1:2*n) .% n
U0 = initfunc(x)
n, k = size(U0)
function rhs(t, U)
U = reshape(U, n, k)
jump = U[idxR, :] - U[idxL, :]
r = (U - U[idxL, :]) ./ jump
r[.~isfinite.(r)] .= 0
g = limit.(r) .* jump / 2h
flux = zero.(U)
for i in 1:n
UL = U[idxL[i],:] + g[idxL[i],:] * h/2
UR = U[i,:] - g[i,:] * h/2
flux[i, :] = riemann(UL, UR)
vec(flux - flux[idxR, :]) / h
thist, uhist = ode_rk_explicit(
rhs, vec(U0), h=h*dt_scale, tfinal=tfinal)
x, thist, reshape(uhist, n, k, length(thist))
fv_solve2system (generic function with 2 methods)
x, t_hist, U_hist = fv_solve2system(riemann_isogas,
initial_isogas, 200, 1.5, dt_scale=0.8)
rho_hist = U_hist[:, 1, :]
u_hist = U_hist[:, 2, :] ./ rho_hist
plot(x, rho_hist[:, 1:20:end],
label=round.(t_hist[1:20:end]', digits=2)) # check both components
We can see the initial smooth solutions develop shock and rarefaction structure.
Visualize solutions#
function initial_isogas_2(x)
f(s) = isogas(1 + 2 * (abs(s) < 0.25), 0.0)
x, t_hist, U_hist = fv_solve2system(riemann_isogas,
initial_isogas_2, 200, 1, dt_scale=0.5, limit=limit_sin)
step = length(t_hist) ÷ 5; rho_hist = U_hist[:, 1, :]
plot(x, rho_hist[:, 1:step:end], label=round.(t_hist[1:step:end]', digits=2), title="density")
u_hist = U_hist[:, 2, :] ./ rho_hist
plot(x, u_hist[:, 1:step:end], label=round.(t_hist[1:step:end]', digits=2), title="velocity")
Approximate Riemann solvers#
Exact Riemann solvers are
complicated to implement
fragile in the sense that small changes to the physics, such as in the equation of state \(p(\rho)\), can require changing many conditionals
the need to solve for \(\rho^*\) using a Newton method and then evaluate each case of the wave structure can be expensive.
An exact Riemann solver has never been implemented for some equations.
HLL (Harten, Lax, and van Leer)#
Assume two shocks with speeds \(s_L\) and \(s_R\). These speeds will be estimated and must be at least as fast as the fastest left- and right-traveling waves. If the wave speeds \(s_L\) and \(s_R\) are given, we have the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions across both shocks,
Adding these together gives
Isothermal gas dynamics#
Rusanov method#
Special case \(s_L = - s_R\), in which case the wave structure is always subsonic and the flux is simply
Observations on HLL solvers#
The term involving \(U_R-U_L\) represents diffusion and will cause entropy to decay (physical entropy is produced).
If our Riemann problem produces shocks and we have correctly calculated the wave speeds, the HLL solver is exact and produces the minimum diffusion necessary for conservation.
If the wave speed estimates are slower than reality, the method will be unstable due to CFL.
If the wave speed estimates are faster than reality, the method will be more diffusive than an exact Riemann solver.
Schedule a time to meet with me (no later than Friday, Dec 15)#
How did your goals evolve and how did you make progress toward those goals?
Can you discuss one or more things you’re proud of this semester?
This is often your project.
Can you explain a design decision, and a related method?
What are the key efficiency-accuracy tradeoffs?
What does verification and validation look like?
What are your career goals and how do you envision this class might serve you?
How could the course be made to better serve people like you?
What advice would you give your former self?
What grade would you say reflects your growth and quality of work this semester?