2023-12-06 Systems#

Last time#

  • Godunov’s Theorem

  • Slope reconstruction and limiting


  • Hyperbolic systems

  • Rankine-Hugoniot and Riemann Invariants

  • Exact Riemann solvers

  • Approximate Riemann solvers

  • Multi-dimensional generalizations

using LinearAlgebra
using Plots

struct RKTable
    function RKTable(A, b)
        s = length(b)
        A = reshape(A, s, s)
        c = vec(sum(A, dims=2))
        new(A, b, c)

rk4 = RKTable([0 0 0 0; .5 0 0 0; 0 .5 0 0; 0 0 1 0], [1, 2, 2, 1] / 6)

function ode_rk_explicit(f, u0; tfinal=1., h=0.1, table=rk4)
    u = copy(u0)
    t = 0.
    n, s = length(u), length(table.c)
    fY = zeros(n, s)
    thist = [t]
    uhist = [u0]
    while t < tfinal
        tnext = min(t+h, tfinal)
        h = tnext - t
        for i in 1:s
            ti = t + h * table.c[i]
            Yi = u + h * sum(fY[:,1:i-1] * table.A[i,1:i-1], dims=2)
            fY[:,i] = f(ti, Yi)
        u += h * fY * table.b
        t = tnext
        push!(thist, t)
        push!(uhist, u)
    thist, hcat(uhist...)

function testfunc(x)
    max(1 - 4*abs.(x+2/3),
        abs.(x) .< .2,
        (2*abs.(x-2/3) .< .5) * cospi(2*(x-2/3)).^2

flux_advection(u) = u
flux_burgers(u) = u^2/2
flux_traffic(u) = u * (1 - u)

riemann_advection(uL, uR) = 1*uL # velocity is +1

function fv_solve1(riemann, u_init, n, tfinal=1)
    h = 2 / n
    x = LinRange(-1+h/2, 1-h/2, n) # cell midpoints (centroids)
    idxL = 1 .+ (n-1:2*n-2) .% n
    idxR = 1 .+ (n+1:2*n) .% n
    function rhs(t, u)
        fluxL = riemann(u[idxL], u)
        fluxR = riemann(u, u[idxR])
        (fluxL - fluxR) / h
    thist, uhist = ode_rk_explicit(rhs, u_init.(x), h=h, tfinal=tfinal)
    x, thist, uhist

function riemann_burgers(uL, uR)
    flux = zero(uL)
    for i in 1:length(flux)
        fL = flux_burgers(uL[i])
        fR = flux_burgers(uR[i])
        flux[i] = if uL[i] > uR[i] # shock
            max(fL, fR)
        elseif uL[i] > 0 # rarefaction all to the right
        elseif uR[i] < 0 # rarefaction all to the left

function riemann_traffic(uL, uR)
    flux = zero(uL)
    for i in 1:length(flux)
        fL = flux_traffic(uL[i])
        fR = flux_traffic(uR[i])
        flux[i] = if uL[i] < uR[i] # shock
            min(fL, fR)
        elseif uL[i] < .5 # rarefaction all to the right
        elseif uR[i] > .5 # rarefaction all to the left

limit_zero(r) = 0
limit_none(r) = 1
limit_minmod(r) = max(min(2*r, 2*(1-r)), 0)
limit_sin(r) = (0 < r && r < 1) * sinpi(r)
limit_vl(r) = max(4*r*(1-r), 0)
limit_bj(r) = max(0, min(1, 4*r, 4*(1-r)))
limiters = [limit_zero limit_none limit_minmod limit_sin limit_vl limit_bj];

Hyperbolic systems#

\[ U_t + f(U)_x = 0 \]

Isentropic gas dynamics#

(67)#\[\begin{align} U &= \begin{bmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \end{bmatrix} & f(U) &= \begin{bmatrix} \rho u \\ \rho u^2 + p \end{bmatrix} \end{align}\]







\(\rho u\)




  • Equation of state \(p(\rho) = C \rho^\gamma\) with \(\gamma = 1.4\) (typical air).

  • “isothermal” gas dynamics: \(p(\rho) = c^2 \rho\), wave speed \(c\).

  • Compute as \( \rho u^2 = \frac{(\rho u)^2}{\rho} .\)

Smooth wave structure#

For perturbations of a constant state, systems of equations produce multiple waves with speeds equal to the eigenvalues of the flux Jacobian,

\[\begin{split} f'(U) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -u^2 + c^2 & 2 u \end{bmatrix}. \end{split}\]
We can compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
\[ f'(U) = W \Lambda W^{-1} \]

(68)#\[\begin{align} W &= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ u-c & u+c \end{bmatrix} & \Lambda &= \begin{bmatrix} u-c & \\ & u+c \end{bmatrix} . \end{align}\]

Riemann problem for systems: shocks#

Given states \(U_L\) and \(U_R\), we will see two waves with some state \(U^*\) in between. There could be two shocks, two rarefactions, or one of each. The type of wave will determine the condition that must be satisfied to connect \(U_L\) to \(U_*\) and \(U_*\) to \(U_R\).

Left-moving wave#

If there is a shock between \(U_L\) and \(U_*\), the Rankine-Hugoniot condition

\[ s \Delta U = \Delta f \]
will be satisfied along with the entropy condition
\[ \lambda_i(U_L) \ge s \ge \lambda_i(U_*) \]
where \(\lambda_i(U)\) is the corresponding eigenvalue of the flux Jacobian \(f'(U)\). The inequality in the entropy condition is strict if the wave is genuinely nonlinear. For isothermal gas dynamics, the Rankine-Hugoniot condition is

(69)#\[\begin{align} (\rho_* - \rho_L) s &= \rho_* u_* - \rho_L u_L \\ (\rho_* u_* - \rho_L u_L) s &= \Big(\rho_* u_*^2 + c^2 \rho_* \Big) - \Big( \rho_L u_L^2 + c^2 \rho_L \Big) \end{align}\]

Solving the first equation for \(s\) and substituting into the second, we compute \begin{split} \frac{(\rho_* u_* - \rho_L u_L)^2}{\rho_* - \rho_L} &= \rho_* u_^2 - \rho_L u_L^2 + c^2 (\rho_ - \rho_L) \ \rho_^2 u_^2 - 2 \rho_* \rho_L u_* u_L + \rho_L^2 u_L^2 &= \rho_* (\rho_* - \rho_L) u_^2 - \rho_L (\rho_ - \rho_L) u_L^2 + c^2 (\rho_* - \rho_L)^2 \ \rho_* \rho_L \Big( u_^2 - 2 u_ u_L + u_L^2 \Big) &= c^2 (\rho_* - \rho_L)^2 \ (u_* - u_L)^2 &= c^2 \frac{(\rho_* - \rho_L)^2}{\rho_* \rho_L} \ u_* - u_L &= \pm c \frac{\rho_* - \rho_L}{\sqrt{\rho_* \rho_L}} \end{split} and will need to use the entropy condition to learn which sign to take.

Admissible shocks#

We need to choose the sign

\[u_* - u_L = \pm c \frac{\rho_* - \rho_L}{\sqrt{\rho_*\rho_L}}\]

The entropy condition requires that

\[ \lambda(U_L) = u_L - c \ge s \ge u_* - c = \lambda(U_*) . \]
Meanwhile, the first Rankine-Hugoniot condition and \(\rho > 0\) provides
\[ \rho_L c \le \rho_L (u_L - s) = \rho_* (u_* - s) \le \rho_* c \]
which is to say that \(\rho_* \ge \rho_L\) and consequently we take the negative sign,
\[ u_* - u_L = - c\frac{\rho_* - \rho_L}{\sqrt{\rho_* \rho_L}} .\]

Right-moving wave#

The same process for the right wave \(\lambda(U) = u + c\) yields a shock when \(\rho_* \ge \rho_R\), in which case the velocity jump is

\[ u_R - u_* = - c \frac{\rho_* - \rho_R}{\sqrt{\rho_* \rho_R}} . \]


A rarefaction occurs when

\[ \lambda_i(U_L) < \lambda_i(U_R) \]

Generalized Riemann invariants#

\[ \frac{d U^1}{W_i^1} = \frac{d U^2}{W_i^2} = \dotsb \]

(Derivation of this condition is beyond the scope of this class.)

Isothermal gas dynamics#

\[ \frac{d \rho}{1} = \frac{d (\rho u)}{u - c} \]

across the wave \(\lambda = u-c\). We can rearrange to

\[ (u-c) d \rho = \rho d u + u d \rho \]
\[ d u + \frac{c}{\rho} d \rho = 0 . \]

Integration yields

\[ u + \int \frac{c}{\rho} d \rho = u + c \log \rho = \text{constant} . \]
So if we have a rarefaction between \(U_L\) and \(U_*\) then
\[ u_L + c \log \rho_L = u_* + c \log \rho_* . \]
Similarly, for the wave \(\lambda = u + c\), a rarefaction between \(U_*\) and \(U_R\) results in
\[ u_* - c \log \rho_* = u_R - c \log \rho_R . \]
If the rarefaction is sonic, we have \(u_0 - c = 0\) for a left rarefaction (or \(u_0 + c =0\) for the right) and can compute \(\rho_0\) from
\[ u_* -c \log \rho_* = u_0 - c \log \rho_0,\]
\[ \rho_0 = \exp\big[(u_0 - u_*)/c + \log \rho_* \big].\]

Basic algorithm#

  1. Find \(\rho_*\)

  2. Use entropy condition (for shock speeds)

  • If it’s a shock: find \(u_*\) using Rankine-Hugoniot

  • If it’s a rarefaction: use generalized Riemann invariant

First a miracle happens#

In general we will need to use a Newton method to solve for the state in the star region.

Exact Riemann solver for isothermal gas dynamics#

function flux_isogas(U, c=1)
    rho = U[1]
    u = U[2] / rho
    [U[2], U[2]*u + c^2*rho]

function ujump_isogas(rho_L, rho_R, cw)
    if sign(rho_L - rho_R) == sign(cw) # shock
        sign(cw) * (rho_R - rho_L) / sqrt(rho_L*rho_R)
    else # rarefaction
        cw * (log(rho_R) - log(rho_L))

function dujump_isogas(rho_L, drho_L, rho_R, drho_R, cw)
    if sign(rho_L - rho_R) == sign(cw) # shock
        sign(cw) * ((drho_R - drho_L) / sqrt(rho_L*rho_R)
            - .5*(rho_R - rho_L) * (rho_L*rho_R)^(-3/2) 
        * (drho_L * rho_R + rho_L * drho_R))
        cw * (drho_R / rho_R - drho_L / rho_L)
dujump_isogas (generic function with 1 method)
function riemann_isogas(UL, UR, maxit=20; show=false)
    rho_L, u_L = UL[1], UL[2]/UL[1]
    rho_R, u_R = UR[1], UR[2]/UR[1]
    rho = .5 * (rho_L + rho_R) # initial guess
    U_star = zero.(UL)
    for i in 1:maxit
        f = (ujump_isogas(UL[1], rho, -1)
            + ujump_isogas(rho, UR[1], 1)
            - (UR[2]/UR[1] - UL[2]/UL[1]))
        if norm(f) < 1e-10
            u = u_L + ujump_isogas(UL[1], rho, -1)
            U_star[:] = [rho, rho*u]
        J = (dujump_isogas(rho_L, 0, rho, 1, -1)
            + dujump_isogas(rho, 1, rho_R, 0, 1))
        delta_rho = -f / J
        rho += delta_rho
        ## Line search not needed in practice
        #while rho + delta_rho <= 0
        #    delta_rho /= 2 # line search to prevent negative rho
    U0 = resolve_isogas(UL, UR, U_star)
    if show; @show U0, U0[2]/U0[1]; end
riemann_isogas (generic function with 2 methods)

Resolving waves for isothermal gas dynamics#

function resolve_isogas(UL, UR, U_star; c=1)
    rho_L, u_L = UL[1], UL[2]/UL[1]
    rho_R, u_R = UR[1], UR[2]/UR[1]
    rho, u = U_star[1], U_star[2] / U_star[1]
    if ((u_L - c < 0 < u - c) || 
        (u + c < 0 < u_R + c))
        # inside left (right) sonic rarefaction
        u0 = sign(u) * c
        rho0 = exp((u0-u)/c + log(rho))
        @show "sonic"
        [rho0, rho0 * u0]
    elseif ((rho_L >= rho && 0 <= u_L - c) ||
            (rho_L < rho && 0 < rho*u - UL[2]))
        # left rarefaction or shock is supersonic
    elseif ((rho_R >= rho && u_R + c <= 0) ||
            (rho_R < rho && rho*u - UR[2] < 0))
        # right rarefaction or shock is supersonic
    else # sample star region
resolve_isogas (generic function with 1 method)

Test the Riemann solver#

isogas(rho, u) = [rho, rho*u]
riemann_isogas(isogas(1, .1), isogas(.9, .1), show=true)
(U0, U0[2] / U0[1]) = ([0.9486804089487428, 0.14484765853290457], 0.15268330321421308)
2-element Vector{Float64}:
function initial_isogas(x)
    f(s) = isogas(1 + 2 * exp(-4s ^ 2), 0.1)

x = LinRange(-1, 1, 100)
U = initial_isogas(x)
plot(x, [U (U[:, 2] ./ U[:, 1])], 
  label=["density" "momentum" "velocity"])


function fv_solve2system(riemann, initfunc, n, tfinal=1; dt_scale=1, limit=limit_sin)
    h = 2 / n
    x = LinRange(-1+h/2, 1-h/2, n) # cell midpoints (centroids)
    idxL = 1 .+ (n-1:2*n-2) .% n
    idxR = 1 .+ (n+1:2*n) .% n
    U0 = initfunc(x)
    n, k = size(U0)
    function rhs(t, U)
        U = reshape(U, n, k)
        jump = U[idxR, :] - U[idxL, :]
        r = (U - U[idxL, :]) ./ jump
        r[.~isfinite.(r)] .= 0
        g = limit.(r) .* jump / 2h
        flux = zero.(U)
        for i in 1:n
            UL = U[idxL[i],:] + g[idxL[i],:] * h/2
            UR = U[i,:] - g[i,:] * h/2
            flux[i, :] = riemann(UL, UR)
        vec(flux - flux[idxR, :]) / h
    thist, uhist = ode_rk_explicit(
        rhs, vec(U0), h=h*dt_scale, tfinal=tfinal)
    x, thist, reshape(uhist, n, k, length(thist))
fv_solve2system (generic function with 2 methods)
x, t_hist, U_hist = fv_solve2system(riemann_isogas,
initial_isogas, 200, 1.5, dt_scale=0.8)
rho_hist = U_hist[:, 1, :]
u_hist = U_hist[:, 2, :] ./ rho_hist
plot(x, rho_hist[:, 1:20:end], 
label=round.(t_hist[1:20:end]', digits=2)) # check both components

We can see the initial smooth solutions develop shock and rarefaction structure.

Visualize solutions#

function initial_isogas_2(x)
    f(s) = isogas(1 + 2 * (abs(s) < 0.25), 0.0)
x, t_hist, U_hist = fv_solve2system(riemann_isogas,
initial_isogas_2, 200, 1, dt_scale=0.5, limit=limit_sin)
step = length(t_hist) ÷ 5; rho_hist = U_hist[:, 1, :]
plot(x, rho_hist[:, 1:step:end], label=round.(t_hist[1:step:end]', digits=2), title="density")
u_hist = U_hist[:, 2, :] ./ rho_hist
plot(x, u_hist[:, 1:step:end], label=round.(t_hist[1:step:end]', digits=2), title="velocity")

Approximate Riemann solvers#

Exact Riemann solvers are

  • complicated to implement

  • fragile in the sense that small changes to the physics, such as in the equation of state \(p(\rho)\), can require changing many conditionals

  • the need to solve for \(\rho^*\) using a Newton method and then evaluate each case of the wave structure can be expensive.

  • An exact Riemann solver has never been implemented for some equations.

HLL (Harten, Lax, and van Leer)#

Assume two shocks with speeds \(s_L\) and \(s_R\). These speeds will be estimated and must be at least as fast as the fastest left- and right-traveling waves. If the wave speeds \(s_L\) and \(s_R\) are given, we have the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions across both shocks,

(70)#\[\begin{align} s_L (U_* - U_L) &= f(U_*) - f(U_L) \\ s_R (U_R - U_*) &= f(U_R) - f(U_*) . \end{align}\]

Adding these together gives

\[s_R U_R - (s_R - s_L) U_* - s_L U_L = f(U_R) - f(U_L)\]
which can be solved for \(U_*\) as
\[ U_* = \frac{f(U_L) - f(U_R) - s_L U_L + s_R U_R}{s_R - s_L} . \]
We can save an extra evaluation of the flux by using the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions
\[ f(U_*) = \frac{s_R f(U_L) - s_L f(U_R) + s_L s_R (U_R - U_L)}{s_R - s_L} . \]

Isothermal gas dynamics#

(71)#\[\begin{align} s_L &= \min( u_L - c, u_R - c ) \\ s_R &= \max(u_L + c, u_R + c) \end{align}\]

Rusanov method#

Special case \(s_L = - s_R\), in which case the wave structure is always subsonic and the flux is simply

\[f(U_*) = \frac 1 2 \Big( f(U_L) + f(U_R) \Big) - \frac s 2 \Big( U_R - U_L \Big) . \]

Observations on HLL solvers#

\[ f(U_*) = \frac{s_R f(U_L) - s_L f(U_R) + s_L s_R (U_R - U_L)}{s_R - s_L} . \]
  • The term involving \(U_R-U_L\) represents diffusion and will cause entropy to decay (physical entropy is produced).

  • If our Riemann problem produces shocks and we have correctly calculated the wave speeds, the HLL solver is exact and produces the minimum diffusion necessary for conservation.

  • If the wave speed estimates are slower than reality, the method will be unstable due to CFL.

  • If the wave speed estimates are faster than reality, the method will be more diffusive than an exact Riemann solver.

Schedule a time to meet with me (no later than Friday, Dec 15)#

  • How did your goals evolve and how did you make progress toward those goals?

  • Can you discuss one or more things you’re proud of this semester?

    • This is often your project.

    • Can you explain a design decision, and a related method?

    • What are the key efficiency-accuracy tradeoffs?

    • What does verification and validation look like?

  • What are your career goals and how do you envision this class might serve you?

  • How could the course be made to better serve people like you?

  • What advice would you give your former self?

  • What grade would you say reflects your growth and quality of work this semester?