2023-10-20 Preconditioning#

Last time#

  • Krylov methods (focus on GMRES)

  • PETSc experiments


  • Preconditioning building blocks

  • Domain decomposition

  • PETSc discussion

using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays

function my_spy(A)
    cmax = norm(vec(A), Inf)
    s = max(1, ceil(120 / size(A, 1)))
    spy(A, marker=(:square, s), c=:diverging_rainbow_bgymr_45_85_c67_n256, clims=(-cmax, cmax))

function advdiff_matrix(n; kappa=1, wind=[0, 0])
    h = 2 / (n + 1)
    rows = Vector{Int64}()
    cols = Vector{Int64}()
    vals = Vector{Float64}()
    idx((i, j),) = (i-1)*n + j
    in_domain((i, j),) = 1 <= i <= n && 1 <= j <= n
    stencil_advect = [-wind[1], -wind[2], 0, wind[1], wind[2]] / h
    stencil_diffuse = [-1, -1, 4, -1, -1] * kappa / h^2
    stencil = stencil_advect + stencil_diffuse
    for i in 1:n
        for j in 1:n
            neighbors = [(i-1, j), (i, j-1), (i, j), (i+1, j), (i, j+1)]
            mask = in_domain.(neighbors)
            append!(rows, idx.(repeat([(i,j)], 5))[mask])
            append!(cols, idx.(neighbors)[mask])
            append!(vals, stencil[mask])
    sparse(rows, cols, vals)
advdiff_matrix (generic function with 1 method)

Simple preconditioners#

Jacobi -pc_type jacobi#

\[ P_{\text{Jacobi}}^{-1} = D^{-1} \]

where \(D\) is the diagonal of \(A\).

Gauss-Seidel -pc_type sor#

\[ P_{GS}^{-1} = (L+D)^{-1} \]

where \(L\) is the (strictly) lower triangular part of \(A\). The upper triangular part may be used instead, or a symmetric form

\[ P_{SGS}^{-1} = (L+U)^{-1} A \Big( I - (L+D)^{-1} \Big) . \]


-pc_sor_omega 1. is default (Gauss-Seidel)

Run p-Laplacian example#

$ cd src/snes/tutorials
$ make ex15
$ ./ex15 -da_refine 2 -dm_view
$ ./ex15 -ksp_monitor -pc_type jacobi
$ ./ex15 -snes_view


  • How does iteration count vary under grid refinement?

  • How sensitive is it to parameters

    • p-Laplacian -p \(> 1\) and -epsilon \(> 0\)

    • Bratu -lambda \(< 6.8\)

  • How sensitive to -ksp_gmres_restart?

  • -ksp_monitor_true_residual

  • -ksp_view_eigenvalues

Incomplete factorization#

  • Start factoring like in a sparse direct solver

    • ILU(0) Discard fill outside the sparsity pattern of \(A\)

    • ILU(\(k\)): only allow \(k\) levels of fill

    • ILUT(\(\epsilon\)): only keep fill values larger than \(\epsilon\)


  • Try -pc_factor_levels 2

  • Impact on cost (check -log_view)

  • Impact on scalability (-da_refine 6)

Kershaw (1978) matrix#

Incomplete Cholesky can break down for SPD matrices.

$ make $PETSC_ARCH/tests/ksp/pc/tutorials/ex1

and try running.

K = [3 -2 0 2; -2 3 -2 0; 0 -2 3 -2; 2 0 -2 3]
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Domain decomposition#

Alternating Schwarz method#

bc_circ = guess()
while not converged:
    u_circ = solve(A_circ, bc_circ)
    bc_rect = eval(u_circ, rect)
    u_rect = solve(A_rect, bc_rect)
    bc_circ = eval(u_rect, circ)

This method was proposed in 1870 by Hermann Schwarz as a theoretical tool, and is now called a multiplicative Schwarz method because the solves depend on each other. We can see it as a generalization of Gauss-Seidel in which we solve on subdomains instead of at individual grid points. As with Gauss-Seidel, it is difficult to expose parallelism.

Additive Schwarz#

The additive Schwarz method is more comparable to Jacobi, with each domain solved in parallel. Our fundamental operation will be an embedding of each subdomain \(V_i\) into the global domain \(V\), which we call the prolongation

\[ P_i : V_i \to V \]

The transpose of prolongation, \(P_i^T\), will sometimes be called restriction. Let’s work an example.

n = 21
x = LinRange(-1, 1, n)
overlap = 0
domains = [(1, n÷3), (n÷3+1, 2*n÷3), (2*n÷3+1, n)]
Id = diagm(ones(n))
P = []
for (i, (left, right)) in enumerate(domains)
    push!(P, Id[:, left:right])
u = 1 .+ cos.(3*x)
plot(x, u)
u_2 = P[2]' * u
scatter!(P[2]' * x, u_2)
plot!(x, P[2] * u_2, marker=:auto)

The algorithm#

Define the subdomain operator

\[A_i = P_i^T A P_i\]
The additive Schwarz preconditioner is
\[ M^{-1} = \sum_i P_i A_i^{-1} P_i^T \]
and it has error iteration matrix
\[ I - \sum_i P_i A_i^{-1} P_i^T A \]

A = diagm(0 => 2*ones(n), -1 => -ones(n-1), 1 => -ones(n-1))
b = zeros(n); b[1] = 1
u = zero(b) # initial guess
us = [u]
for _ in 1:5
    r = b - A * u # residual
    u_next = copy(u);
    for Pi in P
        Ai = Pi' * A * Pi
        ui = Ai \ (Pi' * r)
        u_next += Pi * ui
    u = u_next; push!(us, u)
plot(x, us, marker=:auto)


Given a linear operator \(A : V \to V\), suppose we have a collection of prolongation operators \(P_i : V_i \to V\). The columns of \(P_i\) are “basis functions” for the subspace \(V_i\). The Galerkin operator \(A_i = P_i^T A P_i\) is the action of the original operator \(A\) in the subspace.

Define the subspace projection

\[ S_i = P_i A_i^{-1} P_i^T A . \]
  • \(S_i\) is a projector: \(S_i^2 = S_i\)

  • If \(A\) is SPD, \(S_i\) is SPD with respect to the \(A\) inner product \(x^T A y\)

  • \(I - S_i\) is \(A\)-orthogonal to the range of \(P_i\)

A2 = P[2]' * A * P[2]
S2 = P[2] * inv(A2) * P[2]' * A
norm(S2^2 - S2)
norm(P[2]' * A * (I - S2))

Note: The concept of \(A\)-orthogonality is meaningful only when \(A\) is SPD. Does the mathematical expression \( P_i^T A (I - S_i) = 0 \) hold even when \(A\) is nonsymmetric?

Convergence theory#

The formal convergence is beyond the scope of this course, but the following estimates are useful. We let \(h\) be the element diameter, \(H\) be the subdomain diameter, and \(\delta\) be the overlap, each normalized such that the global domain diameter is 1. We express the convergence in terms of the condition number \(\kappa\) for the preconditioned operator.

  • (Block) Jacobi: \(\delta=0\), \(\kappa \sim H^{-2} H/h = (Hh)^{-1}\)

  • Overlapping Schwarz: \(\kappa \sim H^{-2} H/\delta = (H \delta)^{-1}\)

  • 2-level overlapping Schwarz: \(\kappa \sim H/\delta\)

  • Additive \( I - \sum_{i=0}^n S_i, \)

  • Multiplicative \( \prod_{i=0}^n (I - S_i), \)

  • Hybrid \( (I - S_0) (I - \sum_{i=1}^n S_i) . \)

In each case above, the action is expressed in terms of the error iteration operator.

PETSc experiments#

  • Compare domain decomposition and multigrid preconditioning

  • -pc_type asm (Additive Schwarz)

  • -pc_asm_type basic (symmetric, versus restrict)

  • -pc_asm_overlap 2 (increase overlap)

  • Effect of direct subdomain solver: -sub_pc_type lu

  • Symmetric example: src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex5.c

  • Nonsymmetric example: src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex19.c

  • Compare preconditioned versus unpreconditioned norms.

  • Compare BiCG versus GMRES

  • -pc_type mg (Geometric Multigrid)

  • Use monitors:

  • -ksp_monitor_true_residual

  • -ksp_monitor_singular_value

  • -ksp_converged_reason

  • Explain methods: -snes_view

  • Performance info: -log_view